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Which is correct schools or school's? - Answers
Both are grammatically correct:school's is the possessive form of the singularnoun school;schools' is the possessive form of the pluralnoun schools.Examples:Our school's schedule is from 8:30 to 2 ...

What are the U.S. Navy C schools? - Answers
"A" schools are considered Basic Operator or Basic Training for a particular rating. "C" schools go further in that they go above and beyond the basic rate training given in A schools. For example ...

Which is grammatically correct school's or schools'? - Answers
Both are grammatically correct:school's is the possessive form of the singularnoun school;schools' is the possessive form of the pluralnoun schools.Examples:Our school's schedule is from 8:30 to 2 ...

What college can you attend with a diploma from cornerstone ... - Answers
Oh, dude, with a diploma from Cornerstone Christian Correspondence School, you can attend any college that accepts high school diplomas. It's like, as long as the college recognizes your diploma ...

What year and why were the Ten Commandments taken out of US public schools?
From the last statistic published in the Minister of Education website, in 2007/2008, there were for both public and private sectors: 24387 primary schools (prep to year 5), 2507 secondary schools ...

What year was the 12th grade added to high school? - Answers
The addition of the 12th grade to high school in the United States can be traced back to the early 20th century. The shift towards a standardized four-year high school system began in the 1910s ...

Is it possible for schools to get the rights to perform 'Wicked'?
Schools can get the rights to perform 'Wicked,' but they gotta go through the proper channels and get permission from the licensing company. It's like asking your mom if you can have a sleepover ...

What is higher secondary and senior secondary? - Answers
In India, high school is a grade of education which includes Standards (Grades) VII to X. Standards (Grades) XI to XII are called as Higher Secondary School or Senior Secondary School or Junior ...

Why were iodine pills dispensed in schools in the 1950's?
Iodine pills were dispensed in schools in the 1950s as a precautionary measure against potential radiation exposure from nuclear fallout in the event of a nuclear attack or accident. Iodine is ...

Is Cornerstone Christian Correspondence School in Townsend Georgia ...
If someone has a high school diploma from Cornerstone Correspondence School will the police academy accept it? Cornerstone Christian Correspondence School is not an accredited school, it does not ...




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