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Chemical industry - Wikipedia
The chemical industry comprises the companies and other organizations that develop and produce industrial, specialty and other chemicals. Central to the modern world economy , it converts raw materials ( oil , natural gas , air , water , metals , and minerals ) into commodity chemicals for industrial and consumer products .

Chemical industry | Overview, Importance, & History | Britannica
Chemical industry, complex of processes, operations, and organizations engaged in the manufacture of chemicals and their derivatives. Raw materials include fossil fuels and inorganic chemicals. An average chemical product is passed from factory to factory several times before it emerges into the market.

2025 Chemical Industry Outlook - Deloitte Insights
In the next year, chemical companies will navigate many of the same challenges as other industries: evolving macroeconomic conditions, shifts in policy and regulations across regions, changing customer preferences, and advances in technology.

U.S. Chemical industry - statistics & facts | Statista
The chemical industry is one of the largest and most important industries worldwide, and United States is one of the largest national producers of chemical products globally. Including the...

The Essential Chemical Industry (online)
The Essential Chemical Industry (ECI) - online is one of the most highly respected and up-to-date resources about the chemical industry. This innovative website has easy cross-referencing and drill-down capability and achieves a new level of access for the student, researcher and industrial chemist alike.

Chemical industry - New World Encyclopedia
Chemicals are used to make a wide variety of consumer goods, as well as inputs to agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and service industries. Major industrial customers include those who use rubber and plastic products, textiles, apparel, petroleum refining, pulp and paper, and primary metals.

Chemical Industry Review Magazine
Chemical Industry Review provides the latest chemical industry news, trends, and expert insights. Discover comprehensive chemical sector updates and analyses.

Chemical Sector Profile - CISA
From research and development to manufacturing, the U.S. chemical industry employs 529,000 people, while creating jobs in the many other industries it touches. The business of chemistry is America’s largest exporting sector, accounting for more than 9 percent of U.S. exports.

Chemical Sector Profile - CISA
From research and development to manufacturing, the U.S. chemical industry employs nearly 800,000 people, while creating jobs in the many other industries it touches. The business of chemistry is America’s largest exporting sector, supplying an eighth of the world’s chemical needs.

The state of the chemicals industry: Time for bold action and ...
In this article, we take our annual look at the chemicals industry’s performance and the factors that may be influencing its current trajectory. We also propose questions that industry stakeholders could consider as they navigate today’s competitive landscape—one that calls on companies to focus more on innovation and make bolder moves.




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